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The Benefits of Well Hydrated Skin

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The Benefits of Well Hydrated Skin

Hydrated Skin is Great Looking Skin!

We all know there are numerous health benefits to drinking plenty of water. Many experts agree that we should drink at least 8 glasses. The old axiom of drinking 8 glasses of water a day (64 oz total) still holds true for most people. Water makes up approximately 60% of our body weight, and is avital component for nearly every system in the body. But are you aware of the benefits of staying well hydrated for your skin?

The cells of your skin, like any other organ, are composed primarily of water. Not staying hydrated will make your skin seem dry and flaky. Dry skin is more prone to wrinkles and has less resilience too.

Why Do We Need So Much Water Each Day

You lose significant amounts of water every day through normal activities. Breathing and general respiration, sweat and natural elimination all need to be replenished. Unfortunately, while drinking the proper amount of water is essential, your skin is one of the last of your bodily systems to receive those benefits.

Maintain Well Hydrated Skin

In order to supplement the water already in your system, the key is a good moisturizing regime.After a shower, you want to apply a hydrating moisturizer to your skin within 2 minutes after you finish, in order to “lock in” the most moisture and maximize your skin’s benefits.

As a pretreatment, you can apply a hydrating gel containing hyaluronic acid. Hyalurinc acid holds  1,000 times its weight in water, trapping it on the skin and keeping it there – allowing it to be properly absorbed into the skin.

In short, water is a friend to your skin. You need to keep it moisturized and hydrated. If you’re considering any of our skin treatments, whether it’s Fraxel treatments, botox, or even laser hair removal, properly hydrated skin will aid in the healing process and maximize the benefits of the procedures as well, leaving you with healthy, younger looking skin to last you a lifetime. And don’t forget the sunscreen!

Contact the medically trained, professional staff at Ethos Spa and Laser Center for your FREE Consultation. We’ll help you find the right skin care regime for your personal needs and help you maintain the look you’ve been dreaming of.

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