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About Laser Hair Removal

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About Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is one of the most popular cosmetic activities performed in the United States. This treatment makes use of highly concentrated light beams designed to penetrate into the hair follicles, then the light gets absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles and then destroys the hair within it.  There are different types of lasers and light sources have been refined that can be involved in laser hair removal. This treatment was first described to be performed on dark hairs on light skin. However with newer techniques, this procedure is now safer for patients with darker skin and those of color. Several types of lasers are used for laser hair removal mainly alexandrite, diode, Neodymium YAG and intense pulsed light sources.

Why choose Laser Hair Removal

The reason why people choose laser hair removal is to remove unwanted hair permanently. Most persons will need a series of treatments over time which will result in removing unwanted hair. The FDA approved most of the lasers and light sources for permanent hair reduction, meaning to reduce hair over time. Others may need maintenance treatments from time to time to maintain their degree of hair loss. However, it is mostly impossible to deduce in advance who will require how many sessions and how much time the hair will take to reduce. As stated above, laser hair removal works best for dark hairs on light skin, but with newer technologies, newer lasers and light sources the procedure is safer and more effective in those with darker skin and people of color.

Possible Risks

Like any other treatment, there are also risks associated with Laser Hair Removal. These may include:

  1. Burns
  2. Scarring
  3. Blisters
  4. Pain
  5. Skin pigmentation issues

However, these can be minimized in the hands of a highly qualified physician.

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